Get Started

This page will help you get started with Rollee.


Welcome to Rollee User API.

Rollee makes it easy for your users to grant you access to their income and employment accounts.

Once one of your users grants access, your application can access his or her employment and income data.

Implementation Overview

In order to start using Rollee, you need to create users and make them connect their accounts via Rollee Connect. Check this recipe to know how to create users and refresh sessions. After creating users you can share the links provided by the API with them, so that they can go through Rollee Connect and connect their accounts. Take a look at this other recipe to understand how to go through this process and get the data once ready. Data will be updated periodically for all connected accounts.

Rollee Connect integration

You can integrate Rollee Connect with your application or product flow in order for the users to share their data. The integration can be done via SDK or webview on mobile or desktop. For customizations, you have to use the SDK. You should ensure that the users have context before asking them to complete the Rollee flow for better conversion.